Constitutional Mandates
Section 154 ( 1) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa
- The National government and provincial government , by legislative and other measures, must support and strengthen the capacity of the municipalities to manage their own affairs, to exercise their powers and perform their functions
Section 26 (1); Section 26 (2); Section 26 (3)
- Everyone has the right to have access to adequate housing
- The state must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realization of this right
- No one may be evicted from their home, have their home demolished, without an order of the court made after considering all the relevant circumstances. No legislation may permit arbitrary legislation.
Legislative Mandates
- Public Finance Management Act (Act No 1 of 1999)
- Promotion of Access to Information Act (Act No of 2000)
- Fire Brigade Services Act (Act No 99 of 1987)
- GIAMA (Act No 19 of 2007)
- National Archives and Records Services of South Africa (Act No 13 of 1996)
- Northern Cape Archives Act (Act No of 2013)
- Housing Act (Act No 107 of 1997)
- The Prevention Of Illegal Eviction From Unlawful Occupation Of Land Act of l 998
- Housing Consumer Protection Measures Act of 1998
- Rental Housing Act (Act No 50 of 1999 as amended)
- Division of Revenue Act (DORA)
- Deeds Registry Act (Act No 47 of 1937)
- Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act of 2000
- Spatial Planning Land Use Management Act (Act No 16 of 2013)
- Social Housing Act (Act No 16 of 2008)
- Housi ng Development Act (Act No 23 of 2008)
- The Housing Code Act of 2009
- Extension of Security of Tenure Act (Act No 62 of 1997)
- Housing Consumers Protection Measures Act (Act No of 1998)
- Disestabl ishment of South African Trust Limited Trust (Act No 26 of 2002)
- Property Rati ng Act and Property Valuation Ordinance (Act No 14 of 1993)
- National Housing Code of 2000
- Northern Cape Interi m Housing Act (Act No 6 of 1999)
- Disaster Management Act (Act No 57 of 2002)
- Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act (Act No 13 of 2005)
- Rem uneration of Publ ic Office Bearers Act (Act No 20 of 1998)
- Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (Act No 32 of 2000)
- Local Government: Municipal Structures Act (Act No I 17 of 1998)
- Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (Act No 56 of 2003)
- Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act (Act No 6 of 2004)
- Demarcation Act (Act No of 1998)
- Organized Local Government Act (No 52 of 1997)
- Local Government: Cross-Boundary M unicipa l Act (Act No 29 of 1998)
- Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations Act (Act No 13 of 2005)
- Commission for the Promoti on and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities Act (Act No 19 of 2002)
- Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act (Act No 41 of 2003)
- National House of Traditional Leaders Act (Act No JO of 1997)
- Northern Cape Tradi tional Leadership Governance and Houses of Traditional Leaders Act (Act No 2 of 2007)
- Housing Act (Act No 107 of 2005)
Policy Mandates
- Back-to-Basics Approach (as adopted by Cabinet in 2014)
- Integrated Urban Development Framework (as adopted by National Cabinet in 2014)
- White Paper on Local Government, 1998
- National Development Plan Vision 2030
- National Local Government Turn Around Strategy, 2009
- Local Government Anti-Corruption Strategy, 2006
- Free Basic Services Policy, 2000/0 I
- National Public Participation Framework, 2007
- Batho Pele Principles
- Policy Framework for Government-Wide Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System, 2007
- Framework for Managing Programme Performance Information (FMPPI), 2007
- National Disaster Management Framework, 2005
- National CDW Master Plan,
- Municipal Infrastructure Grant Framework, 2004
- Traditional Affairs Bill
- White Paper on Traditional Leadership, 2003